Our Courses

Inclusion Training is focused on delivering education and training to support the inclusion of people with a
disability in the community. We offer a range of face to face courses to meet the needs of our community.

Our online courses are aimed at people who are looking to learn more about how they can support a person with
a disability in our community.

Course Details

Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) addresses the education and training needs of adults who need to improve their literacy, basic maths and general education skills to access further study, employment or to participate in the community.

Course structure

Read the Course Outline here

To be eligible for the award of 22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) learners must successfully complete a total of 16 units comprising:

  • Core – 2 units
  • Core Skills Reading and Oracy – 3 units
  • Core Skills Writing – 3 units
  • Core Skills Numeracy and Mathematics – 4 units
  • Special interest electives – 4 units which can be selected from units listed in the Special Interest Electives, which have not been previously completed.

For information on course fees, please refer to our current Schedule of fees.

Our Courses

Inclusion Training is focused on delivering education and training to support the inclusion of people with a
disability in the community. We offer a range of face to face courses to meet the needs of our community.

Our online courses are aimed at people who are looking to learn more about how they can support a person with
a disability in our community.

Course Details

The Course I in Initial General Education for Adults addresses the education and training needs of adults who need to improve their literacy, basic math and general education skills to access further study, employment or to participate in the community.


Course structure

Read course outline here

To be eligible for the 22471VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults, learners must successfully complete a total of 11 units comprising:

  • Core – 1 unit
  • Core Skills Reading and Oracy – 3 units Core Skills Writing – 3 Units
  • Core Skills Numeracy and Mathematics – 4 units

For information on course fees, please refer to our current Schedule of fees.

Our Courses

Inclusion Training is focused on delivering education and training to support the inclusion of people with a
disability in the community. We offer a range of face to face courses to meet the needs of our community.

Our online courses are aimed at people who are looking to learn more about how they can support a person with
a disability in our community.

Certificate I in Transition Education which provides learners who have low literacy and numeracy skills the opportunity to build confidence and better engage with employment, community, learning and personal domains. The focus of the curriculum is to enable learners to find the most appropriate options for them in the community while engaging in further training after leaving school. This may include employment, volunteer work or further study.

Course structure

Read the Course Outline here

To be eligible for 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education learners must successfully complete a total of 10 units:

  • 6 core
  • 4 electives

Selection of electives must reflect the integrity and intent of the qualification.

Designed for school leavers, we offer a 2 year transition program which offers you education and training alongside daily activities in a structured group setting. This enables you to explore and trial community based activity options while gaining practical life skills and training, equipping you with the tools you need for a more independent lifestyle.


  • Learn about the many options available to be involved in your local community
  • Try out a range of volunteering, work experience, social & recreational roles in community organisations and local businesses
  • Enrol and complete a Certificate I in Transition Education (22567VIC) with Inclusion Training (TOID: 6404)
  • Become informed about topics such as self-advocacy, rights and responsibilities
  • Gain practical skills for everyday living, such as using public transport, road safety, literacy and numeracy
  • Share experiences with others who have already benefitted from living life their way
  • Develop friendships and support for families by ensuring that a daily structure is in place
  • Gain additional support from trained and individually matched volunteer mentors

Participants work towards completing the course over two years. At this time participants will also have a personalised schedule of activities and opportunities that connects them to work, volunteering or further education in their local community. Once you complete your training, we work with people to continue to build a meaningful life in the community.

For information on course fees, please refer to our current Schedule of fees.

Our Courses

Inclusion Training is focused on delivering education and training to support the inclusion of people with a
disability in the community. We offer a range of face to face courses to meet the needs of our community.

Our online courses are aimed at people who are looking to learn more about how they can support a person with
a disability in our community.

Course Details

Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy provides learners who have low literacy and numeracy skills with the opportunity to build confidence and re-engage with learning. It is also the first step of the pathway to accredited training qualifications.

Course structure

Read the Course Outline here

Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy has been designed to allow for flexible selection of units from a bank of specific literacy and numeracy units. This is to maximise the opportunities for diverse learners with an intellectual disability to engage with learning.

To be eligible for 22554VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy, learners must successfully complete a total of 7 units comprising:

  • 2 literacy units from the literacy unit list
  • 2 numeracy units from the numeracy unit list
  • 3 additional units that have not previously been completed.

For information on course fees, please refer to our current Schedule of fees.

Our Courses

Inclusion Training is focused on delivering education and training to support the inclusion of people with a
disability in the community. We offer a range of face to face courses to meet the needs of our community.

Our online courses are aimed at people who are looking to learn more about how they can support a person with
a disability in our community.

Course Details

Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy provide learners who have low literacy and numeracy skills with the opportunity to build confidence and better engage with employment, community, learning and personal domains.

Course structure

Read the Course Outline here

Certificate I in Initial Adult literacy and Numeracy has been designed to allow for flexible selection of specific literacy and numeracy units. This is to maximise the opportunities for diverse learners with an intellectual disability to engage with learning.

To be eligible for 22555VIC Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy, learners must successfully complete a total of 11 units comprising:

  • 3 literacy units from the literacy units list
  • 3 numeracy units from the numeracy units list
  • 5 literacy and/or numeracy units from the lists that have not previously been completed.

For information on course fees, please refer to our current Schedule of fees.