Support For Justice
People with disability and justice
We know that people with disability are more likely than other members of the community to have life experiences that bring them in to contact with the law. They are more likely to be involved in criminal activity or be victims of crime. It is widely accepted that women with intellectual disability are more vulnerable to sexual assault. In fact, people with intellectual disability are three times more likely to be victims of physical assault, sexual assault or robbery. People with intellectual disability are also more likely to experience discrimination and face barriers to accessing their rights and entitlements through the legal system. This is the case across all areas of life including family and relationships, housing, and money matters.
Support for Justice is a dual-read guide for Victorians with intellectual disability. It is also a fabulous resource for supporters and advocates who work directly with them. It outlines the basics of law and the supports that people with intellectual disability can access to get help when navigating the legal system.
Legal Advocates and Good Support
Legal advocates and lawyers can provide high quality support to people with intellectual disability by following some of the techniques in this video.
2018 Support for Justice Forum, Melbourne
Representatives of legal advocacy organisations, disability advocacy organisations, disability specific legal services, Victoria Police, disability academics, and people with disability came together in May 2018 to talk about developing collaborative practices.