
We’re Listening

If you are a person we support, a family member, carer, supplier or member of the wider community and would like to provide us with feedback on any aspect of our work, we want to hear from you. Whether you have a suggestion, compliment, concern or complaint, you can be sure that your feedback is welcome and will be addressed fairly and with professionalism. Our support staff are empowered to work with you to address matters ‘on the ground’ as they happen, which means that you can always expect a dynamic and prompt response to your concerns.

Suggestions and Compliments

To make a suggestion or compliment you can:

  • Talk or write directly to the staff member OR
  • Talk or write to the relevant manager OR
  • Send an email to: feedback@inclusion.melbourne OR
  • Complete the feedback form below and submit.

Concerns and Complaints

If you wish to express a concern or complaint, you may do so openly or anonymously.

To express a concern or make a complaint:

1. First, speak or write to the staff person who provides the service.

2. If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, talk to the relevant manager.

3. If you don’t know the relevant manager or are not comfortable doing this, please complete and lodge the attached form.

4. You can also complete the below feedback form

In response, we will:

  • Listen to your information
  • Deal with any information quickly, consistently and seriously
  • Investigate your concerns
  • Refer issues that may be best dealt with by others (such as police, ombudsman, public advocate, etc.)
  • Keep you up to date on how your concern is being handled
  • Comply with all aspects of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988, the Australian Privacy Principles under that Act, the Victorian Health Records Act 2001 and the Health Privacy Principles under that Act.

External Services

If you are dissatisfied with the way Inclusion Melbourne has handled your complaint or concern, you can contact the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Tel: 1800 035 544

TTY: 133 677

Mail: NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

PO Box 210, Penrith NSW 2750

Email: contactcentre@ndiscommission.gov. au

Website: www.ndiscommission.gov.au